The Department of Art and Culture has got its own identity after its bifurcation from the Department of Education in the year 1992. The Directorate of Art and Culture was established with a view to foster and develop the various art forms and also to uplift the condition of artistes involved/associated with various art forms in the Union Territory of Puducherry.
In order to make the public aware of the various Schemes being implemented by the Directorate of Art and Culture and and to make them know the ways and means to get their grievances redressed, this Citizens Charter is released. This will be reviewed from time to time for updating the information.
The Erstwhile French colony has many legacies of Art and Culture with rich heritage. Its French connections and historical legacy have attracted many tourists not only domestic but also from foreign countries . It is a blend of Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam Culture intercepted with multi cultures from abroad. A concentrated effort by the Govt. has been put in place to strengthen its cultural heritage through dissemination of cultural values and ethos and to encourage various arts and artists.
One of the Prime functions of the department is to establish new libraries, reading rooms besides developing existing libraries for encouraging the literary and reading habits among the general public.
To achieve the objective the department has established and is maintaining Romain Rolland Library, 80 Branch Libraries and Museums ( Bharathiar, Bharathidasan, Subbaiah and Puducherry Museum. Providing grant – in – aid for autonomous institutions like Bharathiar Palkalaikoodam and Puducherry Institute of Linguistics Studies and Culture. Awards and Honorarium being given to the “meritorious outstanding artists in various fields to encourage to literary Research work etc., Financial Assistance are given to Scholars/ Artists distinguished in letters performing of visual arts to uplift the economic condition of their life. The department is preserving the records/ Publications thus strengthening of Archives. Number of vizhas to encourage all art forms and in commemoration of great poets, leaders and workshops are being conducted successfully.
Voluntary cultural organization are given financial assistance for maintenance. Fellowship grants given to Research scholars for pursuing higher studies in the field of Art and Culture. Financial Assistance for the Publication of Manuscripts and for making documentary films on the life history of renowned poets and freedom fighters. Number of Vizhas like Chithirai Kalai Vizha and Literary events in commemoration of great leaders. Department also celebrate Fete – de- Puducherry in collaboration of SZCC every year.
In general the Directorate of Art and culture is functioning as a ladder to the General Public to know about the history, legacy, and life history of great poets like Bharathiar, Bharathidasan in Puducherry.