Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation, Kolkata is releasing grant annually on matching grant basis towards purchase of books, Computers, furniture, typewriters etc., to Romain Rolland Library and all other Public and Branch Libraries of this Union Territory.
The Foundation renders assistance under matching and non-matching scheme. Under the Matching Scheme, assistance is rendered on the basis of 50:50 between the Foundation and Sate Government/U.T and under Non-matching Scheme 100% financial assistance is rendered to the concerned State/U.T.
Under the Matching Scheme, the Foundation renders assistance for the following purposes.
Assistance towards acquiring adequate stock of books and visual materials.
Assistance towards Storage at Books.
Assistance towards organization of Seminars, Workshops, Book Exhibition etc., and Awareness Building Programmes.
Assistance to public libraries to acquire computer with accessories for library application and TV, CD player, DVD player for educational purposes.
Assistance towards increasing Accommodation.
Assistance to Mobile Libraries/Book Deposit Centres.
Under the Non-matching Schemes, assistance is rendered for the following purposes.
Assistance to Voluntary Organizations providing Public Library Services.
Financial assistance to develop different sections of general public libraries.
Non-matching scheme of Financial Assistance towards Establishment of RRRLF Children Corner.
Assistance towards Celebration of 50/60/75/100/125/150 years and like.
Non-Matching Scheme of Financial Assistance towards establishment of RRRLF Physically Challenged corner.