Awards | Official Website of Department of Art and Culture, Government of Puducherry, India

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Sr. No Description of the Scheme Benefits Eligibility
1 Awarding of Kalaimamani Award Kalaimamani - 6 awards (in the field of Art, Literarure, Dance, Music, Drame & Folk
Malayala Ratna - 2 awards Art)
Telugu Ratna - 2 awards
The award contain Cash of Rs. 50,000/-
  1. The scholars to be selected for the awards shall be of above 30 years and above.
  2. The awardee should have published books of high reputed in poetry, prose and research articles in literature and grammar in their respective languages and should have participated in literary and research.
  3. The awardee should not have been given any such award by other Government and Organisations like Universities etc.
  4. The awardee should be the native of Puducherry or residence in Puducherry continuously for a period of 5 years before the date of selection for the award.
  5. In case of fulfillment of all the conditions preference shall be given to the age and to the longevity in Puducherry.
2 Award of Nehru Children's Literary Prize Cash prize of Rs. 10,000/-
No. of Awards – 2 awards
The books published in Tamil on Children’s Literature during a calendar year shall be considered for the award of Nehru Children’s Literary Prize.The Author/Writer should either be a native of Puducherry or should have resided at least five years in the Union Territory of Puducherry
3 Scheme For The Award For Outstanding Research Publication In Tamil Language And Literature Tholkappiar Award Cash prize of Rs. 10,000/-
No. of Awards – 2 awards
All writers and authors irrespective of age who are natives of the Union Territory of Puducherry either by birth or domicile can partake in the scheme.For the purpose of this scheme, persons who are either born in this Union Territory or have continuously resided for a period of not less than 7 years immediately preceding the submission of application shall be considered as natives of Puducherry.
4 Grant-in-aid For The Promotion of Voluntary Cultural Organizations/cultural Activities In The Union Territory Of Puducherry -
  1. A Cultural Organization should have been engaged in cultural activities for a minimum period of two years prior to the date of application for the grant-in-aid.
  2. Its accounts should have been duly audited and approved by a Competent person/body under the provisions of the rules accompanying the Memorandum of Association of the Institution.
  3. It should not be run for profit to any individual or a body of individuals.
  4. Institutions which have defaulted in submitting the utilization certificates in respect of grants made on previous occasions shall not be eligible for grants.
5 Maintenance Grant To Institutions Organizations Engaged In Cultural Activities. The grant shall be Rs. 3000/-
  1. The institution or organization shall be a registered body under the Societies Registration Act.It shall have a standing of at least one year.It shall not have affiliations with any political party.It shall have its own resources.
  2. Maintenance grants may be given to registered Institutions or Organizations in the territory, which are engaged in cultural activities.
  3. Grant may also be given to such institutions or organizations for special schemes of projects.
6 Scheme For The Award of Fellowship To Research Scholars For pursuing Higher Studies/research On Subject Relating To Art Or Culture Financial assistance for a period of 2 years granted to a whole-time scholar to work on subjects such as language, literature, history, music, dance, drama, fine arts etc.
  1. The scholar to be selected shall be less that 35 years of age and should possess a M.A. degree of a recognized university.
  2. The scholar should study the subject such as language, literature, history, music, dance, drama, fine arts etc. in a recognized university/Institution under the guidance of an eminent scholar as may be approved by the Government.
  3. The study shall be either in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, French or English.
  4. The duration may however be extended for one more year in exceptional cases.
  5. The assistance is admissible only to those who are recommended by eminent scholars in the respective field through the University/Institution concerned.
  6. The assistance is renewable every year, based on the performance of the scholar. The assistance may be withdrawn,if the progress of the work is found to be unsatisfactory.
7 Scheme of financial assistance for publication of manuscripts/research journals. The assistance admissible under the Scheme will be Rs. 10,000/-
  1. The book/or journal proposed to be published shall pertain to one or more of the cultural subjects, such as language,literature, philosophy, religion, history, music, dance, drama and other fine arts etc.
  2. The language medium shall be Tamil/Malayalam/Telugu/ English/French.
  3. Research works like thesis, dissertation or original work based on personal research and critical study (though not intended for obtaining any degree) may also be considered for grants.
  4. Works of fiction shall not be considered.
8 Scheme Of Financial Assistance For Dance And Drama Troupes/associations The grant shall not exceed Rs. 2,000/- in each case.
  1. The assistance is admissible to dance and drama troupes for presenting new classical or folk dance programmes or for staging new dramas, enacted by any cultural body registered in the territory.
  2. The troupe or association or body should have a standing at least 2 years
  3. The theme of the dance or the story and dialogue of the drama should be new and must be a work of originality by an artiste who should be a native of this territory either by birth or by domicile.
9 Scheme Of Financial Assistance For Cultural Organization For Holding Conference Seminar, Symposium Exhibition, Festival, Competition Etc. The maximum amount of grant shall not in any case exceed Rs. 10,000/-
  1. The institution applying for grant should have a standing of at least 2 years in the field.
  2. An institution/organization organizing a seminar, symposium etc., under the scheme shall not invite foreign delegates without obtaining the prior approval of the Government.
10 Financial Assistance To Indigent Tamil Scholars The amount of assistance is Rs. 1,500/- per month.
  1. Contribution to Tamil language and literature must be of significance.
  2. The private means of the applicant must not exceed of Rs. 1,500/- per month.Income Certificate from Revenue authority will be produced with the application and at the commencement of every financial year.
  3. The applicant should not be less then 58 years old on the date of application (this does not apply in the case of dependents) and should be a native of the Union Territory of Puducherry either by birth or by domicile.
11 Financial Assistance To Indigent Artistes The amount of assistance shall be Rs. 1,000/-
  1. To be eligible for the assistance under the scheme a person’s contribution to Music, Dance, Drama, Folk, etc must be significant.
  2. The applicant shall not be a recipient of any other assistance from any other Organizations.
  3. The applicant should be a resident of the Union Territory of Puducherry either by birth or by domicile.
  4. The applicant should not be less then 58 years old on the date of application (this does not apply in the case of dependents)
  5. The applicant’s individual annual income should not exceed Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees fifteen thousand only)
  6. The applicant’s wife/children shall be eligible to receive the assistance after the death of the applicant.
12 Scheme For Setting Up Reading Room Movement In The Union Territory Of Puducherry The benefit of the scheme is to enable any voluntary organization, Women’s Association, Youth Clubs, Village Education Committee, Library Circles and other registered or unregistered bodies to run small reading room for the benefit of the public. Any voluntary organization, women’s association, youth club, village education committee, library circles and other registered or unregistered body not being a political, religious or commercial organization willing the give rent free place or room for the establishment of a reading room and for the further maintenance is eligible to start and run such a reading room.
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