Introduction of regional languages Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu for official purposes, Conduct of seminars, training classes, Vizhas honouring of writers by presenting various awards viz., Tamilmamani, Puduvai Kalaimamani, Telugu Ratna, Malayala Ratna, Kamban Puagazh Literary Prize, Tholkappier Award, Nehru children Literary Prize, etc., and Conduct of Literary functions.
Financial Assistance of Rs. 1000/- per month to indigent artists whose annual income does not exceed Rs. 24,000/- per annum and age not less than 50 years. Financial assistance of Rs. 1500/- per month is provided to the Indigent Tamil Scholars whose annual income does not exceed Rs. 24,000/- per annum and age not less than 58 years.
Romain Rolland Library and 80 Branch Libraries are functioning under the Directorate of Art and Culture. To maintain the Public Libraries, Branch Libraries and Reading Rooms, improvements are being made to the existing libraries.
Improvements are being made to establish and maintain Puducherry Museum, Memmorials of Subramania Bharathiyar, Pavendar Bharathidasan, Makkal Thalaivar Thiru V. Subbaiah.
To preserve the remants of the Unique Architectural Heritage of Puducherry necessary Grant – in – Aid being given to M/s. INTACH
All documents of historical importance are preserved in the Archives, Puducherry. Records/documents of various departments, from the year 1954 onwards are being collected and kept in the Archives.
Releasing of matching grant to the Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation ( RRLF) is very much essential thereby bringing the monetary benefit to the Puducherry Region from outside.
To preserve and promote different classical /folk art forms of our country and to create awareness among the people about the cultural heritage by celebrating various cultural programmes with local artists and artists of other states and sponsoring artists to other states/ countries and to honour eminent artists with award and titles. The objective is to encourage the troupes / artists performing old traditional arts.
For redressal of grievances, complaints and suggestions, the public may contact the Assistant Library and Information Officer, Department of Art and Culture, on all working days. They may also contact the Director on all Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10.00 a.m and 12.00 noon.
In outlying regions, the officials in charge of the Department of Art and Culture, may be contacted.
If necessary, the concerned Regional Executive Officers may also be approached for complaints.
Sl. No. | Name of the Scheme | Benefits available | Age Limit | Annual Income | Other conditions |
a. |
Improvement of Official Language and Linguistic Studies Awarding of Tamil mamani, Telugu Ratna and Malayala Ratna |
Tamil mamani - 6 awards Malayala Ratna - 4 awards ) Telugu Ratna - 4 awards Each of the above awards carries cash award of Rs.75, 000/- |
Above 60 years of age | — |
b. | Award of Puduvai Kalaimamani | Kalaimamani - 30 awards (in the field of Literature, Music, Dance, Drama,Painting and Sculpture and Folk arts. Each of the above awards carries cash award of Rs.50, 000/- |
Above 30 years of age | — | |
c. | Nehru Children Literary Price | Cash prize of Rs.10, 000/- No. of Awards – 2 |
— | — | The books published in Tamil on Children’s Literature during a calendar year shall be considered for the award of Nehru Children’s Literary Prize. The Author/Writer should either be a native of Puducherry or should have resided at least five years in the Union Territory of Puducherry. |
d. | Tholkappiar Award | Cash prize of Rs.10, 000/- No. of Awards – 2 |
— | — | For Outstanding research publication in Tamil literature Research Publications for shall All writers and authors irrespective of age who are natives of the Union Territory of Puducherry either by birth or domicile can partake in the scheme or have continuously resided for a period of not less than 5 years immediately preceding the submission of application shall be considered as natives of Puducherry. |
e. | Kamban Pugazh Literary Prize | Rs.10,000/- No. of Awards – 10 (In the field of Novel, Short Story, Drama, Poem & Prose in Tamil) |
— | — |
f. | Financial Assistance to Persons distinguished in Letters, Arts, Performing visual arts Financial Assistance to Indigent Artistes |
Rs.1000/- per month | Above 50 years of age | Below 24,000/- |
g. | Financial Assistance to Indigent Tamil Scholars | Rs.1,500/- Per month | Above 58 years of age | The private means of the applicant must not exceed 1,500/- per month. | To be eligible for assistance under the scheme, a person’s contribution to Tamil language and literature must be of significance. |
h. | Expansion and Improvement of Libraries/Archieves in U. T of Puducherry Scheme for setting up Reading Room Movement in the Union Territory of Puducherry. |
The benefit of the scheme is to enable any voluntary organization, Women’s Association, Youth Clubs, Village Education Committee, Library Circles and other registered or unregistered bodies to run small reading room for the benefit of the public. | — | — | Any voluntary organization, women’s association, youth club, village education committee, library circles and other registered or unregistered body not being a political, religious or commercial organization willing the give rent free place or room for the establishment of a reading room and for the further maintenance is eligible to start and run such a reading room. |
i. | Improvement to Museum/ Research Centre | To improve and maintain existing Museums. Collection and preservation of archaeological items / antique to undertake educational activities in the Museum . Award of doctoral fellowship in honour of Poet Bharathiar and Bharathidasan. | — | — | Research Scholars |
j. | Estt . and Promotion of cultural activities / Grant – in- aid to voluntary cultural institutions + SCSP Maintenance grant to institutions and organizations engaged in cultural activities. |
Maintenance Grant Rs. 3000 and cultural activities Rs. 5,000/- | - | - |
k. | Scheme of financial assistance for dance and drama troupes/associations | The grant shall not exceed Rs.2,000 in each case | - | - |
l. | Scheme of Financial Assistance for Cultural Organization for holding conference, seminar, symposium, exhibition, festival, competition etc. | Rs.10,000/- annually | — | — |
m. | Scheme of financial assistance for publication of manuscripts/research journals. | Rs.10,000/- | — | — |
n. | Scheme for the award of fellowship to research scholars for pursuing higher studies/research on subject relating to art or culture | Financial assistance for a period of 2 years granted to a whole-time scholar to work on subjects such as language, literature, history, music, dance, drama, fine arts etc | Below 35 years of age | — |
o. | Promotion of open air cultural activities | Rs. 3,500/- | — | — | Artists of Therukoothu, Bommalattam, Karagattam, Silambattam, etc., |
Sl. No. | Name of the Schemes | Central/State | Details of the Scheme | Target group | Benefit provided |
1. | Improvement of Official Language | State |
Conduct of seminars, training classes, Vizhas, honouring of writers by presenting various awards etc.To strengthen the Directorate of Art& Culture adequately, to cope-up with the increased work load owing to rapid development activities, Besides creation, filling up the posts will be made. |
Scholars/Artistes in the field of Dance, Drama, Music Painting and Sculpture and Folk arts | Financial assistance and cash award |
2. | GIA to Pondicherry Institute of Linguistic and Culture/ Bharathiar Palkalaikoodam | State | BPK a multi art complex strives to conserve and enrich the aesthetic, heritage and traditional art and cultural from GIA. To impart Education at graduate and post graduate level in various arts such as dance, music, and fine arts etc. by Bharathiar Palkalaikoodam to which grant-in-aid is being released every year. Release of GIA to Puducherry Institute of Linguistic and Culture for conduct of Research projects in linguistic studies, ethnographic studies, seminars/workshops, in-service training bringing out research publications, establishment of language laboratory and Establishment of cultural museums. |
Students Research Scholars | Grant-in-Aid |
3. | Financial Assistance to persons distinguished in letters, arts and performing visual arts | State | Monthly financial assistance to Indigent artistes and for settlement of arrears Monthly Financial Assistance to aged Tamil Scholars Financial assistance of Rs. 1500/- is provided to the indigent Tamil Scholars whose annual income does not exceed Rs.24,000/- per annum and age not less than 58 years. Financial assistance at the rate of Rs. 1000/- per month is given to the artists who are in indigent circumstances. |
Artistes under Indigents in circumstances | Grant–in-Aid |
4. | Financial Assistance to INTACH | State | An amount of Rs.5.25 lakhs will be offered as a GIA to M/s. INTACH thereby protecting the old Heritage building.To preserve the remnants of the unique Architectural Heritage of Puducherry the International Trust for Art & Culture Heritage (INTACH), Puducherry is actively working for the protection of unique Architectural Heritage of Puducherry, Grant-in-aid being given to M/s.INTACH | — | Grant–in-Aid |
5. | Expansion & Improvement of Libraries/ Archives in the Union Territory of Puducherry + SCSP | State | Conserving the records and their preservation for posterity. To provide necessary archival guidelines to all the departments/Government undertakings/Local bodies on the need to conserve the records and their preservation for posterity.To improve reading habit of the public by opening new branch libraries, reading rooms and improvements to the existing libraries in all the regions. | Reading Public | - |
6. | Contribution to Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation | State | Mutual Grant for the Improvement of Libraries will be given based on the grant of Raja Rammohan Roy Lobrary Foundation . To purchase books, Computers, furniture, typewriters etc to Romain Rolland Library and all other Public and Branch Libraries of this Union Territory, Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation, Kolkata is releasing grant annually on matching grant pattern basis. | - do - | - |
7. | Improvement to Museum / Research Centre & Strengthening of Nehru Science Centre | State |
To set up new museums and to improve existing museums. Collection and preservation of archaeological items/ Antiques. To undertake the educational activities in the museum. Award of doctoral fellowship in honour of poet Bharathiar and Bharathidasan. |
Scholars and Research students | Remuneration to the Artists/ Fellowship grant to the students. |
8. | Esst. And Promotion of Cultural Activities/ GIA to Voluntary Cultural Institutions + SCSP | State | Artist performing Open air old traditional arts which are in dying stage such as “Puppetry, Therukoothu, Karagam, Kaavadiattam, Kalari payatt and Silambamm” will be assisted financially a sum Rs.3,500/- per troupe/programme. To preserve and promote different classical/folk art forms of our country and to create such awareness among the people about the cultural heritage by celebrating various cultural programmes with local artists and artists of other states and by sponsoring artists to other states/countries and to honour eminent artists with award and titles.The objective is to encourage the troupes/artists performing old traditional arts. | Voluntary Cultural Indigents Artistes |
Financial assistance |
The reader/user who reside in the area where the Libraries are existing may obtain application form for admission and fill up the same and may be got attested by the Puducherry State Government Gazetted Officers Evidences of residing in the particular area should be produced to the Librarian concerned along with the application form for admission. The Romain Rolland Library is the Union Territory Central Public Library which provides for books and periodicals of different languages of South India, besides English and Hindi.
Romain Rolland Library : 8.A.M. to 8 P.M All week days except Monday
Branch Libraries is as follows:
Tuesday to Sunday Forenoon 9.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M.
Afternoon 4.00 P.M. to 7.00 P.M.
(Monday Holiday)
The Librarian has to verify and ensure that the applicant has been an old member or a new member.
After verification, the applicant can pay the admission fee and get the Borrowers Ticket immediately from the Librarian.
Rs.25/- (Rupees Twenty Five only) towards the Caution Money Deposit (Refundable) for 2 Borrowers Ticket will be collected from a member in all the following Libraries.
Puducherry Romain Rolland Library
Karaikal-Dr. S.R. Ranganathan, Public Library
Mahe-Public Library
Yanam-Public Library
The renewal charge/annual subscription of Rs.5/- (Rupees five only) will be collected in addition to the above Caution Money Deposit (Non-Refundable Amount).
Books can be borrowed by a member after paying a Caution Money Deposit of Rs.25/- and Rs.5/- as Renewal Charge.
In Branch Libraries, a member has to pay Rs.10/- as Caution Money Deposit and Rs.5/- as Renewal Charge.
All the costly and rare collection books have been obtained from various sources and kept ready for reading purpose wthin the library premises.
Readers may take the copy of the document they read from the Xerox Section of the Library concerned.
A separate section is being functioned in public libraries for the preparation and for appearing the entrance examinations for all the Competitive Examinations like IAS, IPS etc.
These Museums are kept opened to public from Tuesday to Sunday (Morning 9.40 to 1.00 Noon & 2.00 P.M. to 5.20 P.M.),Monday weekly holiday.
No. | Place | Pin Code |
1 | Abishegapakkam | 605 007 |
2 | Alankuppam | 605 111 |
3 | Ariyankuppam | 605 007 |
4 | Ariyur | 605 102 |
5 | Bahour | 607 402 |
6 | Chettipet | 605 501 |
7 | Embalam | 605 106 |
8 | Eripakkam | 605 106 |
9 | Kalapet | 605 014 |
10 | Kalitheerthalkuppam | 605 607 |
11 | Kalmandapam | 605 016 |
12 | Karayamputhur | 605 106 |
13 | Karikalampakkam | 605 007 |
14 | Kirumampakkam | 607 402 |
15 | Kizhur | 605 106 |
16 | Koodapakkam | 605 501 |
17 | Kuppam | 605 507 |
18 | Kuruvinatham | 607 402 |
19 | Kuyavarpalayam | 605 013 |
20 | Lawspet | 605 008 |
21 | Maducarai | 605 106 |
22 | Manappattu | 607 402 |
23 | Mel Parikalpet | 607 402 |
24 | Mudaliarpet | 605 004 |
25 | Murungapakkam | 605 004 |
26 | Muthialpet | 605 003 |
27 | Muthirapalayam | 605 009 |
28 | Nallavadu | 605 007 |
29 | Nethaji Nagar | 605 001 |
30 | Nettapakkam | 605 106 |
31 | Pakkamudayanpet | 605 008 |
32 | Pannithittu | 607 402 |
33 | Peria Veerampattinam | 605 007 |
34 | Pillaiyarkuppam | 605 502 |
35 | Pitchaiveerampet | 605 010 |
36 | Poornankuppam | 605 007 |
37 | Reddiarpalayam | 605 010 |
38 | Sedarapet | 605 101 |
39 | Seliamedu | 607 402 |
40 | Sellipet | 605 501 |
41 | Shanmugapuram | 605 009 |
42 | Sivarandagam (Manakuppam) | 605 106 |
43 | Sorapet | 605 501 |
44 | Suthukeni | 605 501 |
45 | T.N. Palayam | 605 007 |
46 | Thengaithittu | 605 004 |
47 | Thirubuvanai | 605 107 |
48 | Thirukanji | 605 110 |
49 | Thirukkanur | 605 501 |
50 | Thiruvandarkoil | 605 102 |
51 | Thondamanatham | 605 502 |
52 | Uruvaiyar | 605 110 |
53 | Veemacoundanpalayam | 605 009 |
54 | Villianur | 605 110 |
55 | Romain Rollandlib | 605 001 |
No. | Place | Pin Code |
1 | Akkaraivattam | 609602 |
2 | Ambagharathur | 609 601 |
3 | Karaikal (Public Lib.) | 609 602 |
4 | Karaikal Medu | 609 605 |
5 | Kottucherry | 609 609 |
6 | Kurumbagaram | 609 603 |
7 | Melayur | 609 607 |
8 | Nallambal | 609 601 |
9 | Nedungadu | 609 603 |
10 | Nehru Nagar | 609 605 |
11 | Neravy | 609 604 |
12 | Ozhiapathu | 609 604 |
13 | Poovam | 609 609 |
14 | Sellur | 609 607 |
15 | Sethur | 609 601 |
16 | Surakudy | 609 607 |
17 | T.R. Pattinam | 609 606 |
18 | Thirunallar | 609 607 |
19 | Vizhidiyur | 609 607 |
No. | Place | Pin Code |
1 | Chalakara | 673 310 |
2 | Mahe | 673 310 |
3 | Palloor | 679 539 |
4 | Pandakkal | 673 310 |
No. | Place | Pin Code |
1 | Darialithippa | 533 464 |
2 | Kanagalapet | 533 464 |
3 | Yanam | 533 464 |