Programmes & Schemes | Official Website of Department of Art and Culture, Government of Puducherry, India

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Programmes & Schemes

1. Improvement to Administrative Language

Introduction of regional languages Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu for official purposes, Conduct of seminars, training classes, Vizhas honouring of writers by presenting various awards viz., Tamilmamani, Puduvai Kalaimamani, Telugu Ratna, Malayala Ratna, Kamban Puagazh Literary Prize, Tholkappier Award, Nehru children Literary Prize, etc., and Conduct of Literary functions.

2. Financial Assistance to Persons Distinguished In Letters, Arts And Performing Visual Arts

Financial Assistance of Rs. 1000/- per month to indigent artists whose annual income does not exceed Rs. 24,000/- per annum and age not less than 50 years. Financial assistance of Rs. 1500/- per month is provided to the Indigent Tamil Scholars whose annual income does not exceed Rs. 24,000/- per annum and age not less than 58 years.

3. Improvements To Library

Romain Rolland Library and 80 Branch Libraries are functioning under the Directorate of Art and Culture. To maintain the Public Libraries, Branch Libraries and Reading Rooms, improvements are being made to the existing libraries.

4. Improvements To Museum

Improvements are being made to establish and maintain Puducherry Museum, Memmorials of Subramania Bharathiyar, Pavendar Bharathidasan, Makkal Thalaivar Thiru V. Subbaiah.

5. Financial Assistance To Intach

To preserve the remants of the Unique Architectural Heritage of Puducherry necessary Grant – in – Aid being given to M/s. INTACH

6. Preservation Of Government Documents

All documents of historical importance are preserved in the Archives, Puducherry. Records/documents of various departments, from the year 1954 onwards are being collected and kept in the Archives.

7. Contribution To Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation

Releasing of matching grant to the Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation ( RRLF) is very much essential thereby bringing the monetary benefit to the Puducherry Region from outside.

8. Estt. And Promotion of Cultural Activities / GIA To Voluntary Cultural Institution + SCSP

To preserve and promote different classical /folk art forms of our country and to create awareness among the people about the cultural heritage by celebrating various cultural programmes with local artists and artists of other states and sponsoring artists to other states/ countries and to honour eminent artists with award and titles. The objective is to encourage the troupes / artists performing old traditional arts.

Guidance, Help and Redressal of Grievances

For obtaining more details about the Schemes and for applications, the contact addresses are as follows:-

  1. The Director
    Department of Art and Culture,
    Add: 1, Romain Rolland Street,Puducherry – 1
    Ph: +91-413- 2336203 and +91-413 – 2349716
    Email: art[dot]pon[at]nic[dot]in

  2. The Assistant Library and Information Officer,
    Department of Art and Culture,
    Add: 1, Romain Rolland Street,Puducherry – 1
    Ph: +91-413- 2336203 and +91-413 – 2349716

  3. The Superintendent, Scheme Section
    Department of Art and Culture,
    Add: 1, Romain Rolland Street,Puducherry – 1
    Ph: +91-413- 2336203 and +91-413 – 2349716

  4. Asst.Library And Information Officer,
    Add: 93, Masdhan palli street,Karaikal - 609 602.
    Ph: +91-4368-221472

  5. The Library Information Assistant
    Add: Govt. Public Library,MAHE-673 310.
    Ph: +91-490-2332222

  6. The Library Information Assistant
    Add: Govt. Public Library,High School Road,YANAM- 533 464
    Ph: +91-884-2321243

9. Redressal of Grievances:

For redressal of grievances, complaints and suggestions, the public may contact the Assistant Library and Information Officer, Department of Art and Culture, on all working days. They may also contact the Director on all Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10.00 a.m and 12.00 noon.
In outlying regions, the officials in charge of the Department of Art and Culture, may be contacted.
If necessary, the concerned Regional Executive Officers may also be approached for complaints.

Schemes of Directorate of Art And Culture


Sl. No. Name of the Scheme Benefits available Age Limit Annual Income Other conditions
a. Improvement of Official Language and Linguistic Studies
Awarding of Tamil mamani, Telugu Ratna and Malayala Ratna
Tamil mamani - 6 awards
Malayala Ratna - 4 awards )
Telugu Ratna - 4 awards
Each of the above awards carries cash award of Rs.75, 000/-
Above 60 years of age
  1. The awardee should have published books of high reputed in poetry, prose and research articles in literature and grammar in their respective languages and should have participated in literary and research.
  2. The awardee should not have been given any such award by other Government and Organisations like Universities etc.
  3. The awardee should be the native of Puducherry or residence in Puducherry continuously for a period of 5 years before the date of selection for the award.
  4. In case of fulfillment of all the conditions preference shall be given to the age and to the longevity in Puducherry.
b. Award of Puduvai Kalaimamani Kalaimamani - 30 awards (in the field of Literature, Music, Dance, Drama,Painting and Sculpture and Folk arts.
Each of the above awards carries cash award of Rs.50, 000/-
Above 30 years of age
c. Nehru Children Literary Price Cash prize of Rs.10, 000/-
No. of Awards – 2
The books published in Tamil on Children’s Literature during a calendar year shall be considered for the award of Nehru Children’s Literary Prize.
The Author/Writer should either be a native of Puducherry or should have resided at least five years in the Union Territory of Puducherry.
d. Tholkappiar Award Cash prize of Rs.10, 000/-
No. of Awards – 2
For Outstanding research publication in Tamil literature
Research Publications for shall
All writers and authors irrespective of age who are natives of the Union Territory of Puducherry either by birth or domicile can partake in the scheme or have continuously resided for a period of not less than 5 years immediately preceding the submission of application shall be considered as natives of Puducherry.
e. Kamban Pugazh Literary Prize Rs.10,000/-
No. of Awards – 10
(In the field of Novel, Short Story, Drama, Poem & Prose in Tamil)
  1. For Publication of Best novel short story, Drama, Poetry and Prose
  2. The First edition of book should be published in the previous calendar year to the year of award ( between 1st January and 31st December )
  3. Publication must be of creative literature of their own.
  4. Book should ne abridged version of imitation of or translated version of another book or synopsis.
  5. Literary critics/ Thesis Research Presented to University degrees or examinations are not eligible for award The author once awarded is not eligible to participate for the award in the next four consecutive years.
f. Financial Assistance to Persons distinguished in Letters, Arts, Performing visual arts
Financial Assistance to Indigent Artistes
Rs.1000/- per month Above 50 years of age Below 24,000/-
  1. To be eligible for the assistance under the scheme a person’s contribution to Music, Dance, Drama, Folk, Painting and Sculpture etc must be significant.
  2. The applicant shall not be a recipient of any other assistance from any other Organizations.
  3. The applicant should be a resident of the Union Territory of Puducherry either by birth or by domicile.
  4. The applicant’s wife/children shall be eligible to receive the assistance after the death of the applicant.
g. Financial Assistance to Indigent Tamil Scholars Rs.1,500/- Per month Above 58 years of age The private means of the applicant must not exceed 1,500/- per month. To be eligible for assistance under the scheme, a person’s contribution to Tamil language and literature must be of significance.
h. Expansion and Improvement of Libraries/Archieves in U. T of Puducherry

Scheme for setting up Reading Room Movement in the Union Territory of Puducherry.
The benefit of the scheme is to enable any voluntary organization, Women’s Association, Youth Clubs, Village Education Committee, Library Circles and other registered or unregistered bodies to run small reading room for the benefit of the public. Any voluntary organization, women’s association, youth club, village education committee, library circles and other registered or unregistered body not being a political, religious or commercial organization willing the give rent free place or room for the establishment of a reading room and for the further maintenance is eligible to start and run such a reading room.
i. Improvement to Museum/ Research Centre To improve and maintain existing Museums. Collection and preservation of archaeological items / antique to undertake educational activities in the Museum . Award of doctoral fellowship in honour of Poet Bharathiar and Bharathidasan. Research Scholars
j. Estt . and Promotion of cultural activities / Grant – in- aid to voluntary cultural institutions + SCSP
Maintenance grant to institutions and organizations engaged in cultural activities.
Maintenance Grant Rs. 3000 and cultural activities Rs. 5,000/- - -
  1. A Cultural Organization should have been engaged in cultural activities for a minimum period of two years prior to the date of application for the grant-in-aid.
  2. Its accounts should have been duly audited and approved by a Competent person/body under the provisions of the rules accompanying the Memorandum of
  3. Association of the Institution.
  4. It should not be run for profit to any individual or a body of individuals.
  5. Institutions which have defaulted in submitting the utilization certificates in respect of grants made on previous occasions shall not be eligible for grants.
k. Scheme of financial assistance for dance and drama troupes/associations The grant shall not exceed Rs.2,000 in each case - -
  1. The assistance is admissible to dance and drama troupes for presenting new classical or folk dance programmes or for staging new dramas, enacted by any cultural body registered in the territory.
  2. The troupe or association or body should have a standing at least 2 years.
  3. The theme of the dance or the story and dialogue of the drama should be new and must be a work of originality by an artiste who should be a native of this territory either by birth or by domicile.
l. Scheme of Financial Assistance for Cultural Organization for holding conference, seminar, symposium, exhibition, festival, competition etc. Rs.10,000/- annually
  1. The institution applying for grant should have a standing of at least 2 years in the field.
  2. An institution/organization organizing a seminar, symposium etc., under the scheme shall not invite foreign delegates without obtaining the prior approval of the Government.
m. Scheme of financial assistance for publication of manuscripts/research journals. Rs.10,000/-
  1. The book/or journal proposed to be published shall pertain to one or more of the cultural subjects, such as language, literature, philosophy, religion, history, music, dance, drama and other fine arts etc.
  2. The language medium shall be Tamil/Malayalam/Telugu/ English/French.
  3. Research works like thesis, dissertation or original work based on personal research and critical study (though not intended for obtaining any degree) may also be considered for grants.
  4. Works of fiction shall not be considered.
n. Scheme for the award of fellowship to research scholars for pursuing higher studies/research on subject relating to art or culture Financial assistance for a period of 2 years granted to a whole-time scholar to work on subjects such as language, literature, history, music, dance, drama, fine arts etc Below 35 years of age
  1. The scholar to be selected shall be less that 35 years of age and should possess a M.A. degree of a recognized university.
  2. The scholar should study the subject such as language, literature, history, music, dance, drama, fine arts etc. in a recognized
  3. university/Institution under the guidance of an eminent scholar as may be approved by the Government.
  4. The study shall be either in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, French or English.
  5. The duration may however be extended for one more year in exceptional cases.
  6. The assistance is admissible only to those who are recommended by eminent scholars in the respective field through the University/Institution concerned.
  7. The assistance is renewable every year, based on the performance of the scholar. The assistance may be withdrawn, if the progress of the work is found to be unsatisfactory.
o. Promotion of open air cultural activities Rs. 3,500/- Artists of Therukoothu, Bommalattam, Karagattam, Silambattam, etc.,


Sl. No. Name of the Schemes Central/State Details of the Scheme Target group Benefit provided
1. Improvement of Official Language State
    Various functions like Birth Anniversaries of:
  • Poet Vanidasan
  • Poet Tamil Oli
  • Poet Puduvai Sivam
  • Thiruvalluvar Vizha
  • Republic Day Tableau

    Distribution of Various Awards like:
  • Malayala Ratna
  • Telugu Ratna
  • Tamizh Mamani
  • Puduvai Kalaimamani
  • Honorarium for the Awardee’s
  • Tholkappiar award
  • Nehru Children literary prize
  • Kamban Pugazh literary prize

Conduct of seminars, training classes, Vizhas, honouring of writers by presenting various awards etc.To strengthen the Directorate of Art& Culture adequately, to cope-up with the increased work load owing to rapid development activities, Besides creation, filling up the posts will be made.
Scholars/Artistes in the field of Dance, Drama, Music Painting and Sculpture and Folk arts Financial assistance and cash award
2. GIA to Pondicherry Institute of Linguistic and Culture/ Bharathiar Palkalaikoodam State BPK a multi art complex strives to conserve and enrich the aesthetic, heritage and traditional art and cultural from GIA.

To impart Education at graduate and post graduate level in various arts such as dance, music, and fine arts etc. by Bharathiar Palkalaikoodam to which grant-in-aid is being released every year.

Release of GIA to Puducherry Institute of Linguistic and Culture for conduct of Research projects in linguistic studies, ethnographic studies, seminars/workshops, in-service training bringing out research publications, establishment of language laboratory and Establishment of cultural museums.
Students Research Scholars Grant-in-Aid
3. Financial Assistance to persons distinguished in letters, arts and performing visual arts State Monthly financial assistance to Indigent artistes and for settlement of arrears

Monthly Financial Assistance to aged Tamil Scholars

Financial assistance of Rs. 1500/- is provided to the indigent Tamil Scholars whose annual income does not exceed Rs.24,000/- per annum and age not less than 58 years.

Financial assistance at the rate of Rs. 1000/- per month is given to the artists who are in indigent circumstances.
Artistes under Indigents in circumstances Grant–in-Aid
4. Financial Assistance to INTACH State An amount of Rs.5.25 lakhs will be offered as a GIA to M/s. INTACH thereby protecting the old Heritage building.To preserve the remnants of the unique Architectural Heritage of Puducherry the International Trust for Art & Culture Heritage (INTACH), Puducherry is actively working for the protection of unique Architectural Heritage of Puducherry, Grant-in-aid being given to M/s.INTACH Grant–in-Aid
5. Expansion & Improvement of Libraries/ Archives in the Union Territory of Puducherry + SCSP State Conserving the records and their preservation for posterity. To provide necessary archival guidelines to all the departments/Government undertakings/Local bodies on the need to conserve the records and their preservation for posterity.To improve reading habit of the public by opening new branch libraries, reading rooms and improvements to the existing libraries in all the regions. Reading Public -
6. Contribution to Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation State Mutual Grant for the Improvement of Libraries will be given based on the grant of Raja Rammohan Roy Lobrary Foundation . To purchase books, Computers, furniture, typewriters etc to Romain Rolland Library and all other Public and Branch Libraries of this Union Territory, Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation, Kolkata is releasing grant annually on matching grant pattern basis. - do - -
7. Improvement to Museum / Research Centre & Strengthening of Nehru Science Centre State
    Celebration of Birth and Death Anniversaries of:
  • Bharathidasan
  • Bharathiar
  • Subbaiah
  • Saraswathi Subbaiah

To set up new museums and to improve existing museums. Collection and preservation of archaeological items/ Antiques. To undertake the educational activities in the museum. Award of doctoral fellowship in honour of poet Bharathiar and Bharathidasan.
Scholars and Research students Remuneration to the Artists/ Fellowship grant to the students.
8. Esst. And Promotion of Cultural Activities/ GIA to Voluntary Cultural Institutions + SCSP State Artist performing Open air old traditional arts which are in dying stage such as “Puppetry, Therukoothu, Karagam, Kaavadiattam, Kalari payatt and Silambamm” will be assisted financially a sum Rs.3,500/- per troupe/programme. To preserve and promote different classical/folk art forms of our country and to create such awareness among the people about the cultural heritage by celebrating various cultural programmes with local artists and artists of other states and by sponsoring artists to other states/countries and to honour eminent artists with award and titles.The objective is to encourage the troupes/artists performing old traditional arts. Voluntary Cultural

Indigents Artistes
Financial assistance

Functioning of Romain Rolland Library And Branch Libraries

    There are four public libraries in Puducherry Regions, viz-.
  1. Romain Rolland Library, Puducherry.
  2. Dr. S.R. Ranganathan Public Library, Karaikal.
  3. Public Library, Mahe.
  4. Public Library, Yanam.
There are 54 Branch libraries in Puducherry Region and 18 Branch libraries in Karaikal Region, 3 Branch libraries in Mahe and 2 Branch libraries in Yanam.

To become a member in Libraries

The reader/user who reside in the area where the Libraries are existing may obtain application form for admission and fill up the same and may be got attested by the Puducherry State Government Gazetted Officers Evidences of residing in the particular area should be produced to the Librarian concerned along with the application form for admission. The Romain Rolland Library is the Union Territory Central Public Library which provides for books and periodicals of different languages of South India, besides English and Hindi.

The working hours of Romain Rolland & Branch Libraries is as follows:-

Romain Rolland Library : 8.A.M. to 8 P.M All week days except Monday
Branch Libraries is as follows:
Tuesday to Sunday Forenoon 9.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M.
Afternoon 4.00 P.M. to 7.00 P.M.
(Monday Holiday)
The Librarian has to verify and ensure that the applicant has been an old member or a new member.
After verification, the applicant can pay the admission fee and get the Borrowers Ticket immediately from the Librarian.

Membership fee

Rs.25/- (Rupees Twenty Five only) towards the Caution Money Deposit (Refundable) for 2 Borrowers Ticket will be collected from a member in all the following Libraries.

Puducherry Romain Rolland Library
Karaikal-Dr. S.R. Ranganathan, Public Library
Mahe-Public Library
Yanam-Public Library
The renewal charge/annual subscription of Rs.5/- (Rupees five only) will be collected in addition to the above Caution Money Deposit (Non-Refundable Amount).

Functions of Library

Periodical Section

Users may read all the Newspapers and periodicals/magazines available in the library.

Book Issues

Books can be borrowed by a member after paying a Caution Money Deposit of Rs.25/- and Rs.5/- as Renewal Charge.
In Branch Libraries, a member has to pay Rs.10/- as Caution Money Deposit and Rs.5/- as Renewal Charge.

Reference Section

All the costly and rare collection books have been obtained from various sources and kept ready for reading purpose wthin the library premises.

Xerox Copy

Readers may take the copy of the document they read from the Xerox Section of the Library concerned.

Indian Administrative Exam, Preparatory Section

A separate section is being functioned in public libraries for the preparation and for appearing the entrance examinations for all the Competitive Examinations like IAS, IPS etc.

To become a member in Branch Library Practicability

  1. Rs.10/- will be collected as Caution Money Deposit (refundable) for two books against the issue of two borrowers ticket.
  2. Rs.5/- will be collected as renewal charge/annual subscription (not refundable).
  3. Every year the borrowers tickets can be got renewed by producing suitable evidence of staying in their particular area by paying the fees prescribed by the member.
  4. A member can be enrolled in the library where the library is situated in their area.The member of the branch library can also become a member in their Regional Library by paying the fees prescribed.
  5. As per the needs and necessities of the people of Puducherry in the villages and urban areas of all the four regions new Branch Libraries are yet to be opened. The libraries situated at the Communal Head Quarters will be strengthened above the level of Branch Libraries.
  6. Moreover the libraries functioning from the rental building will be shifted to Government building. Steps are being taken to procure land from the Government for the construction of own building for new branch libraries.


Puducherry Museum

  1. Mahakavi Bharathiyar Memorial Museum Cum Library and Research Centre
  2. Pavendar Bharathidasan Memorial Museum cum Research Centre
  3. Makkal Thalaivar V. Subbaiah-Saraswathi Subbaiah Social, Scientific Research Centre cum Library

These Museums are kept opened to public from Tuesday to Sunday (Morning 9.40 to 1.00 Noon & 2.00 P.M. to 5.20 P.M.),Monday weekly holiday.

G.B.L In Puducherry Region

No. Place Pin Code
1 Abishegapakkam 605 007
2 Alankuppam 605 111
3 Ariyankuppam 605 007
4 Ariyur 605 102
5 Bahour 607 402
6 Chettipet 605 501
7 Embalam 605 106
8 Eripakkam 605 106
9 Kalapet 605 014
10 Kalitheerthalkuppam 605 607
11 Kalmandapam 605 016
12 Karayamputhur 605 106
13 Karikalampakkam 605 007
14 Kirumampakkam 607 402
15 Kizhur 605 106
16 Koodapakkam 605 501
17 Kuppam 605 507
18 Kuruvinatham 607 402
19 Kuyavarpalayam 605 013
20 Lawspet 605 008
21 Maducarai 605 106
22 Manappattu 607 402
23 Mel Parikalpet 607 402
24 Mudaliarpet 605 004
25 Murungapakkam 605 004
26 Muthialpet 605 003
27 Muthirapalayam 605 009
28 Nallavadu 605 007
29 Nethaji Nagar 605 001
30 Nettapakkam 605 106
31 Pakkamudayanpet 605 008
32 Pannithittu 607 402
33 Peria Veerampattinam 605 007
34 Pillaiyarkuppam 605 502
35 Pitchaiveerampet 605 010
36 Poornankuppam 605 007
37 Reddiarpalayam 605 010
38 Sedarapet 605 101
39 Seliamedu 607 402
40 Sellipet 605 501
41 Shanmugapuram 605 009
42 Sivarandagam (Manakuppam) 605 106
43 Sorapet 605 501
44 Suthukeni 605 501
45 T.N. Palayam 605 007
46 Thengaithittu 605 004
47 Thirubuvanai 605 107
48 Thirukanji 605 110
49 Thirukkanur 605 501
50 Thiruvandarkoil 605 102
51 Thondamanatham 605 502
52 Uruvaiyar 605 110
53 Veemacoundanpalayam 605 009
54 Villianur 605 110
55 Romain Rollandlib 605 001

G.B.L In Karaikal Region

No. Place Pin Code
1 Akkaraivattam 609602
2 Ambagharathur 609 601
3 Karaikal (Public Lib.) 609 602
4 Karaikal Medu 609 605
5 Kottucherry 609 609
6 Kurumbagaram 609 603
7 Melayur 609 607
8 Nallambal 609 601
9 Nedungadu 609 603
10 Nehru Nagar 609 605
11 Neravy 609 604
12 Ozhiapathu 609 604
13 Poovam 609 609
14 Sellur 609 607
15 Sethur 609 601
16 Surakudy 609 607
17 T.R. Pattinam 609 606
18 Thirunallar 609 607
19 Vizhidiyur 609 607

G.B.L In Mahe Region

No. Place Pin Code
1 Chalakara 673 310
2 Mahe 673 310
3 Palloor 679 539
4 Pandakkal 673 310

G.B.L In Yanam Region

No. Place Pin Code
1 Darialithippa 533 464
2 Kanagalapet 533 464
3 Yanam 533 464
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