Schemes | Official Website of Department of Art and Culture, Government of Puducherry, India

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Name of the Scheme : Improvement of Official Language and Linguistic Studies

Objective of the Scheme : Introduction of regional languages Tamil, Malayalam & Telugu for official purposes, Conduct of seminars, training classes, Vizhas, honouring of writers by presenting various awards etc.

To strengthen the Directorate of Art & Culture adequately, to cope-up with the increased work load owing to rapid development activities. Besides creation, filling up the posts will be made.

Name of the Scheme : GIA to Pondicherry Institute of Linguistic and Culture / Bharathiar Memorial Palkalaikoodam.

Objective of the Scheme : To impart Education at graduate and post graduate level in various arts such as dance, music, and fine arts etc. by Bharathiar Palkalaikoodam to which grant-in-aid is being released every year.

Release of GIA to Puducherry Institute of Linguistic and Culture for conduct of Research projects in linguistic studies, ethnographic studies, seminars/ workshops, in-service training bringing out research publications, establishment of language laboratory and Establishment of cultural museums.

Name of the Scheme : Financial Assistance to persons distinguished in letters, arts and in rmingperfo visual arts, etc.

Objective of the Scheme : Financial assistance of Rs. 1500/- is provided to the indigent Tamil Scholars whose annual income does not exceed Rs. 24,000/- per annum and age not less than 58 years.

Financial assistance at the rate of Rs. 1000/- per month is given to the artists who are in indigent circumstances

Name of the Scheme : Grant in aid to M/s. INTACH for protection of art and culture heritage of Puducherry

Objective of the Scheme : To preserve the remnants of the unique Architectural Heritage of Puducherry the International Trust for Art & Culture Heritage (INTACH), Puducherry is actively working for the protection of unique Architectural Heritage of Puducherry, Grant-in-aid being given to M/s. INTACH .

Name of the Scheme : Expansion and Improvement of Lib./Archives in U.T. of Puducherry

Objective of the Scheme : To provide necessary archival guidelines to all the departments / Government undertakings / Local bodies on the need to conserve the records and their preservation for posterity.

To improve reading habit of the public by opening new branch libraries, reading rooms and improvements to the existing libraries in all the regions.

Name of the Scheme : Contribution to Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation.

Objective of the Scheme : To purchase books, Computers, furniture, typewriters etc to Romain Rolland Library and all other Public and Branch Libraries of this Union Territory, Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation, Kolkata is releasing grant annually on matching grant pattern basis.

Name of the Scheme : Improvement to Museum / Research Centre and Strengthening of Nehru Science Centre.

Objective of the Scheme : To set up new museums and to improve existing museums. Collection and preservation of archaeological items / antiques. To undertake the educational activities in the museum and to develop Nehru science centre into a full fledged scientific centre. Award of doctoral fellowship in honour of poet Bharathiar and Bharathidasan.

Name of the Scheme : Estt. And promotion of Cultural Activities / GIA to voluntary Cultural Institutions

Objective of the Scheme : To preserve and promote different classical / folk art forms of our country and to create such awareness among the people about the cultural heritage by celebrating various cultural programmes with local artists and artists of other states and by sponsoring artists to other states / countries and to honour eminent artists with award and titles.

The objective is to encourage the troupes / artists performing old traditional arts forms which are in dying stage such as “puppetry”, “therukoothu”, “karagam”, “kavadiattam” etc. Financial assistance is provided to such troupes / artistes under the scheme.

A unique festival of Fete de Puducherry is celebrated every year in collaboration with the South Zone Cultural Center during the month of June in the sense that it is being celebrated in all four regions of this Union Territory of Puducherry viz. Puducherry, Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam. Fete de Puducherry. Deputing/ receiving of cultural troupes from other countries/states, conduct of cultural programmes in all regions.

To promote cultural and research activities in the field of literary arts, fine arts plastic arts, performing arts as well as historic research by way of providing financial assistance to voluntary cultural organizations and research scholars in the form of grant-in-aid of maintenance, festival and for publication of Manuscripts.

Name of the Scheme : Scheme for Grant-in- aid to the voluntary Organization/ Individual for producing documentary or Short Film on the Life History of Renowned Poets/ Eminent Scholars/ Freedom Fighters

  • Notification- Scheme for Grant- in - aid to the Voluntary Organization/ Individual for producing documentary or Short Film on the Life History of Renowned Poets / Eminent scholars / Freedom Fighters
  • Name of the Scheme : Panchayat Sector Window

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